Publications | Itay Kaplan


Kaplan I, Riahi B, Rodriguez-Fanlo A. Automorphisms of the Rado meet-tree. 2023.
Kaplan I, Ramsey N, Shelah S. Exact saturation in pseudo-elementary classes for simple and stable theories. J. Math. LOG. 2023;23(2). Available at: . Publisher's Version
Halevi Y, Kaplan I, Shelah S. Infinite stable graphs with large chromatic number II. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS). 2023. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Kaplan I, Ramsey N, Simon P. Generic Stability Independence and Treeless theories. 2023.
Ben-Neria O, Kaplan I, Zou T. The model theory of geometric random graphs. 2023.
Halevi Y, Kaplan I. Saturated Models for the Working Model Theorist. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 2023. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Kaplan I, Segel O, Shelah S. Boolean Types in Dependent Theories. J. Symbolic Logic. 2022:1–32. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Kaplan I. A definable (p,q)-theorem for NIP theories. 2022.
Bays M, Kaplan I, Simon P. Density of compressible types and some consequences. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) (accepted). 2022.
Halevi Y, Kaplan I, Shelah S. Infinite stable graphs with large chromatic number. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2022;375:1767–1799. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Bays M, Ben-Neria O, Kaplan I, Simon P. On large externally definable sets in NIP. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (accepted). 2022.
Kaplan I, Ramsey N, Shelah S. Criteria for exact saturation and singular compactness. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic. 2021;172:Paper No. 102992, 28. Available at: . Publisher's Version
d'Elbée C, Kaplan I, Neuhauser L. Existentially closed models of fields with a distinguished submodule. J. Symbolic Logic (accepted). 2021.
Estevan P-A, Kaplan I. Non-forking and preservation of NIP and dp-rank. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic. 2021;172:Paper No. 102946, 30. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Kaplan I, Ramsey N. Transitivity of Kim-independence. Adv. Math. 2021;379:Paper No. 107573, 29. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Eshel S, Kaplan I. On uniform definability of types over finite sets for NIP formulas. J. Math. Log. 2021;21:Paper No. 2150015, 13. Available at: . Publisher's Version
d'Elbée C, Kaplan I, Neuhauser L. On algebraically closed fields with a distinguished subfield. Israel J. Math. (accepted). 2021.
Kaplan I, Rzepecki T, Siniora D. On the automorphism group of the universal homogeneous meet-tree. J. Symb. Log. 2021;86:1508–1540. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Halevi Y, Kaplan I. A generalisation of von Staudt's theorem on cross-ratios. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 2020;168:601–612. Available at: . Publisher's Version
Kaplan I, Ramsey N. On Kim-independence. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS). 2020;22:1423–1474. Available at: . Publisher's Version